My First Cost Per Action(CPA) Income of $237.25 in A Month

I got my Cost Per Action(CPA) account approved at Flux Advertising on end of July 2010 and start to learn how to make money online using CPA.

Flux Advertising is one of the popular CPA Network.

CPA also some cases it is also called Cost Per Acquisition. In this business model, it involve mainly three parties – an advertiser, a CPA Network and a publisher.

Advertiser will fixes an amount that they are willing to pay to the publisher for generating leads or sales.

In short, advertiser gives publisher a commission when the publisher generates a lead or a sale.

CPA Network act as a intermediary in connecting  the advertiser and the publisher.


This CPA business model is very unique because you can get paid(commission) if the visitor fill up a lead like e-mail and zip submit.

The visitor Do Not Necessary need to  buy anything in order for you(publisher) to generate income.

Unlike  affiliate marketing like ClickBank where visitor must take out their Credit Card  and make a purchased, in order for you(publisher) to generate income! Therefore, the conversion in CPA is much more higher compare to any other affiliate marketing!

Basically you only need to generate leads to get pay!

Before you can start promoting any CPA Offer, you must get accepted into a CPA Network first. Approval is not that difficult if you use my secret technique. :-) 

There are few ways to promote your CPA Offer i,e free and paid method.

Free method involve mainly Search engine optimization (SEO).

What is mean is to get your blog or targeted keyword rank high i.,e first page in Google in order to enjoy free traffic.

You may try to search for the keyword= Financial Freedom at Google Malaysia and look at the first result at Google first page. This is an example for marketing via SEO.

Learning to rank a keyword using SEO is not an easy task.

Paid Method involve Pay per click (PPC) which you pay for your advertisement to be appear on the  first page in Google. The ranking position depend on the price that you bid.


In my experiment in making money in CPA, I make an Income of $237.25 in A Month.

This venture is new for me as I have been doing ClickBank most of the time. Even though the income is not much but I am very happy to discovery this method of making money online via CPA.

Read My experience in ClickBank My First ClickBank Affiliate Check of $130.61! Yahooooo!!!

I think everyone who wanna make  money Online must venture into CPA because the sales conversion is much more higher compare to any other affiliate marketing.


No purchased or credit card required for you to get paid!

If you want to get into CPA, I highly recommend you take a look at this training program called CPA Instrument by clicking the banner below.

CPA Instrument is a new course from Ritoban C that will show you how to create CPA Instruments.

A CPA Instrument can be Web Page, Website, Image or an Advertisement. It can be anything as long as it promotes CPA offers.

CPA Instruments

CPA Instrument is designed for everyone and   YOU don’t need experience or technically savvy. The words SEO, PPV, PPC, Ebay, Affiliates, JV, etc… Get them out of your head.

This system doesn’t require any of those.

All it requires is JUST 25 Minutes a day and 4 SIMPLE steps. Oh and in these steps is JUST copy and pasting.

8 Responses to “My First Cost Per Action(CPA) Income of $237.25 in A Month”

  1. Brother, you are making good money online eh? ^^ Hope can be like you where can make money from online.

    Your site is doing well with the high Alexa ranking. How long have you been blogging?

  2. Start blogging about 2 years ago! 🙂

  3. Thanks Alan for good info.

    I doing research on CPA network for almost 2 weeks and find lots of CPA network but seem confuse to choose the better one. To many scam and need to be careful.

    Anyway, thanks for FluxAds, need to discover more.

  4. hi Zaini,

    In this month, you can solve all your CPA network questions in my upcoming physical book on how to make money from CPA.

    The publisher of this book is True Wealth & shall hit the MPH, Popular Bookstores etc very soon 🙂

  5. That great. I will look on it because Mid Valley MPH only 5 minutes from my home 🙂

  6. This book is specially written for Malaysian affiliates by a Malaysian(me) & will be the first book on CPA in Malaysia

    Beside my experience, there will be an exclusive interview with Malaysian & International Super Affiliate that share tips & tricks to make big money in CPA!

  7. Hi Alan,

    is there anyway to get your book in electronic format?

  8. FYI, My book is only in physical format & available for sales at all MPH & Popular Bookstores