Facebook Approves Advertising Scams

Have you notice a lot Facebook ads that are scammy and look very deceptive? The domain shown entrepreneur dot com but it was directed to home based business Facebook Ads:

Sex in Advertising: Uncensored Breast Photo Used

* This blog post contain 18+ Only to be Viewed by Adults and Contains Graphic Sexual content. Curious! Many HEADS have been turning – as passers-by wonder what on earth billboard is advertising. It show giant photo ad of a Woman’s Breast, totally uncensored display on the streets of a Europe city ! Could it […]

Sex in Advertising : Did Sex Sell?

Sex Did Sells? The Main purpose of Advertisement is to get people attention to a particular product for purpose of Sale. One of the popular and time tested methods is the use of Sex Appeal(sexual or erotic imagery). The advertisement industry is so competitive until every advertisement try their very best to capture buyer attention. […]