My First Google Adsense Cheque of $211.76! Weeeeee!!!

At last, I got my first Google Adsense Cheque of $211.76 and very happy to receive it. πŸ™‚

This, is my first ever Google cheque since implementing the Adsense programme on June 2008. 


I bank in the Cheque to EON Bank on 18 December 2008 and it takes more than One Month to get it cleared(30 January 2009).

It took me 5 months to accumulate my first Google Adsense Cheque of $211.76.

I believe for every bloggers out there, getting the first Adsense cheque from Google is the most sweetest and happiest thing to experience and definitely what we always wanted to achieve the most.

A Big Thank to Google!

And thanks for all visitors who visited my niche blogs and get the trafffic to my blogs.

Oh well, I gotta get down to Work Harder and Smarter for my next Google Cheque. πŸ™‚

Making Money Online is Not Easy

But It’s NOT Impossible! – Alan Tan


Take Time:
Take time to think-
It is the source of all power.
Take time to read-
It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to play-
It is the source of perpetual youth.
Take time to be quiet-
It is the opportunity to seek God.

Take time to be aware-
It is the opportunity to help others.
Take time to love and be loved-
It is God’s greatest gift.

Take time to laugh-
It is the music of the soul.
Take time to be friendly-
It is the road to happiness.

Take time to dream-
It is what the future is made of.
Take time to pray-
It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to give-
It is too short a day to be selfish.
Take time to work-
It is the price of success.
There is a time for everything. . . .[Ecclesiastes 3:1-8]Bible

16 Responses to “My First Google Adsense Cheque of $211.76! Weeeeee!!!”

  1. Congratulations, may that be the first of many to come!

  2. Could u tell me how do u generate adsense income?
    Method I mean..

  3. Method?

    I am building a group of Niche Blogs & put Adsense on it πŸ™‚

  4. You could give Western Union Quick Cash a try:

    It’s almost instantaneous and hassle-free!

  5. hoho. congratulation because you got your first cheque!

  6. Congrats bro… I know why you choose Cheque… Cause you want a proof …. But for the first cheque its ok.. but after this you should try Western Union… Gud luck for 2nd cheque.

  7. Congratulation..I never had an opportunity to hold an adsense check..but now every Malaysian can bank their adsense check via WU..:D

  8. it took me more than that for my first payment, but after that .. he..he.. it was faster.

  9. you are simply awesome… hope mine will due soon…

  10. Bro,

    Goodwork man!!! Keep it up!!

    I shall follow you soon…..


  11. I received my very first google adsense payment after 8 months of blogging. After it, I seriously blogged about my niche which is entrepreneurship, personal finance, investments and self-motivation. Then the second adsense payment came in after just 3 months.

  12. Hi Alan, nice work and keep it up!

    Me and my bro also partnering in building niche websites to earn from adsense, this is our 2nd months and we have built 11 websites. Our target is to build 100 sites in one year.

    If you agree, shall we create a network to share about “earning adsense money from niche sites”, i think this will be interesting.:)

  13. Hi Simon,

    You are building blogs via Auto-Blogging?

    If yes, beware of Google Smart Pricing! πŸ˜€

  14. You are better than me. My first cheque only 100++. Anyway..congratulation

  15. […] Found out more at My First Google Adsense Cheque of $211.76! Weeeeee!!! […]

  16. I really don’t understand all this; it took me 3 months to gather the first 100 dollars, then this month July alone it shot upto 188 dollars! I guess it will be 200$ by tomorrow ending time deadline.