Alan Tan Blog Wishes You a Happy Chinese New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy Chinese New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai & Huat ar !

May this year of Dragon bring you lots of  fortune, wisdom, abundance of health, love and your wishes and hopes come true in this year.

All the best in the year – 2012!

*** Huat ar ! *** Huat ar ! *** Huat ar ! Smile


2012 The Year of the Dragon


2012 is the year of the Dragon. It takes place every twelve years in Chinese zodiac. The year of the dragon is said to be a very prosperous year for the people of China. It is said that anyone born in this year will be healthy, wealthy, and wise.

2012, the year of the Dragon. It is considered particularly auspicious for new businesses, marriage and children. Dragon years also tend to boost individual fortunes and the world economy. Happy New Year ! ( )

In China, the dragons symbolized goodness, strength, and wisdom. In Oriental countries, they represent celestial and terrestrial power, wisdom, and strength as well as seasonal cycles and supernatural forces.

The dragon has the body of a snake, belly of a frog, scales of a carp, head of a camel, horns of a giant stag, the eyes of a hare, ears like a bull, a neck like an iguana, paws like a tigers, and claws like an eagle. Chinese dragons were often drawn with whiskers and antlers on their heads.

They reside in water and bring wealth and good luck and, rainfall for crops. It is worshipped as the divine ruler of Lakes, Rivers and Seas. It is the powerful yet gentle “Loong” that brings rain to the earth, hastens the crops and cools the toiling framer.

As an important emblem in China, the legend of the Chinese Dragon permeates the ancient Chinese civilization and shapes their culture until today. Its benevolence signifies greatness, goodness and blessings. Almost everything in Chinese culture is associated with this legendary animal.

Being the divine mythical animal, the Dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all that hold his emblem. The Chinese Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of Good Fortune.

The Chinese dragon, an emblem reserved for Imperial China, was heavily used on Imperial architecture, especially on the Imperial Palaces – on the roofs, on the beams and pillars, and on the doors.

The Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power. Thus the beds they slept on were called the dragon beds, the throne called the dragon seat, and the emperor’s ceremonial dresses called the dragon robes.

People in China showed great respect for any dragon depicted in pictures, carvings and writings. Also it is being sculptured on stone pillars of Chinese temples and embroidered on beautiful gold and silk tapestries.

Around the world, the Chinese proudly proclaim themselves as “Descendants of the Dragon “and even name themselves with the word “dragon”(Lung). Bruce Lee, his Chinese name is Li Xiaolong. Jackie Chen, his Chinese name is Cheng Long .

For centuries, the Chinese dragon has been a symbol of power, wealth, and good fortune. It is energetic, decisive, optimistic, intelligent and ambitious. And as a result the dragon became the symbol of Chinese nation.

Eastern dragons are sometimes shown with a pearl, which means many things from wealth to wisdom and good luck & prosperity. Eastern dragons ascending in the sky are symbol of “success in life”.

Eastern dragons can be from Korea, Japan, or China. There are slight but subtle differences between them. A Chinese dragon has five claws on each foot. Japanese dragon has three, Korean has four. They do not have wings, but can still fly.

However, the Western dragon is often seen as a creature to be feared. A fire-breathing dragon with bat-like wings, a long spade-tipped tail, massive hind legs and feet, and a monster that devours animals and humans are what easily come to mind.

Many cultures all over the world have tales of Dragons from Scandinavia to China to Egypt, Greece & India. All of these cultures recognize the same thing; that Dragons are powerful elemental beings, the stuff of legend and wisdom.

Unlike Western dragons, China’s celestial dragon symbolizes potent and benevolent power. Dragon years are considered particularly auspicious for new businesses, marriage and children. Dragon years also tend to boost individual fortunes and the world economy.

2012! Happy New Year !



CNY 2012 开心过年 – MY Astro大合唱



988 CNY 2012 – 龙年有喜 LONG NIAN YOU XI ( 网络版 )



阖家团圆一起发 2012 CNY OneFM【幸福佳节】


四处一片欢乐气氛浓浓 家都热闹哄哄
张灯结彩挂上红红灯笼 一切就绪好隆重
随春风 编出美丽彩虹
手牵手 齐来迎新送旧
快乐新年 幸福佳节
心相守 幸福就在左右
闪闪发亮着就像那光纤网络 (快乐歌颂)
祈求着事事都顺利亨通 爱情来开花结果
环游在世界的南北西东 看遍那春夏秋冬




《开心过年》动画版MV [MY Astro CNY2012 – Animated MV]


《MY Astro 开心乐龙龙》 继续带开心给大家,动画版MV可爱登场!一起举起手,唱啦啦啦啦!



CNY 2012 – Nasi lauk you never taste before ! 你从来没吃过的咖哩饭!


CNY 2012 – Nasi lauk you never taste before !
Bukan sekadar nasi dan lauk juga bungkusan kasih dan sayang
Selamat Tahun Baru Cina
Happy chinese new year
祝福大家新年快乐 万事如意




HSBC TV ad — January Sale 2012


In this TV advert we show that During Chinese New Year celebrations, red envelopes containing money are passed between family members to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity for the year ahead. At HSBC we want to wish everyone a prosperous New Year.



Ah Beng The Movie : Three Wishes (阿炳心想事成)


Ah Beng, Ah Lian, Rain, Bobby and Salted Fish Lian are coming to the big screen CNY 2012. The eve of The Lunar New Year, every household in a village is busy preparing to receive the auspicious God Of Fortune (GOF). Ah Beng’s father being poor can only give coins and a scruffy GOF, who is in fact, the true and almighty GOF is touched by Ah Beng’s father’s sincerity and grants him 3 wishes. Not-so-bright security guard Ah Beng is being bullied by a group of rich brats. A mysterious guy comes in and helps Ah Beng. Grateful for his help, Ah Beng invites him into his life and things starts to change around him.



BERNAS | Chinese New Year Commercial – Family Reunion Dinner “Sek Fan” English

Chinese New Year is always a time for reunion. Whatever differences we may have as a family, there’s always a way to overcome them. So let’s come together as one family during reunion dinner. After all, family is forever.

黃明志新年歌 CNY SONG by Namewee part 1 發財寶大拜年


SUPERMARKET发大财 黄明志新年歌Namewee Cny Song Part 2


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