Sales Closing Techniques | Skills That All Sales and Marketing People Should Have

This’s a good sales video that  contain a lot of Sales Closing technique which include AIDA model. AIDA is an acronym of the model used in all sales and marketing communications. A= grab the prospect’s “ATTENTION” instantly I=create “INTEREST” by providing some useful and meaningful information D=create  “DESIRE” by offering something they want OR helping […]

Inspirational Speech: Any Given Sunday | Al Pacino

When I die… Many things will be said about me. Some good… maybe? Some bad… no doubt. I am a flawed man. But damn it… I know one thing they’ll ALL know. Alan Tan died fighting. He was a fighter. If I haven’t told you lately… I’m honored to know you. We can fight through […]

What is Procrastination?

The biggest Obstacle for almost everyone face is Procrastination. Your dreams, goals and visions would Never be achieved if you always Procrastination. I also feel guilty when leaving something to be done later!