How To Push Up KLCI-FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index

If you monitor closely how the KLCI: FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index  movement, you’ll notice the popular last minute Push UP. It normally happen during the last trading hour. For the whole day, it can trade “normally” until last minutes jack up. The Modus operandi is very simple.

How To Make A Lot of Money from Online Stock Trading | FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI

If you want to make Money in Bursa Malaysia and FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Futures (FKLI) , probably you can just focus on the Top 10 companies by market capitalization on Bursa Malaysia and monitor the price jump at 4:50pm The Big Volume will start to come in at 4:50pm and if you use Jupiter […]

Why Malaysia Foreign Direct Investment Fall That Drastically

I am sure you have read that Malaysia’s Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)  on a net basis fell drastically by 81% in 2009 to US$1.4bil from US$7.3bil in 2008 as revealed by the World Investment Report that was released a week ago. The World Foreign Investment Report (WIR) 2010 released by the United Nations showed that Malaysia […]