Archive for May, 2010

Adsense Content Publisher Get 68% Share | Google Financial Secrets Exposed

In the spirit of greater transparency with AdSense publishers, Google Inc has finally revealed the most kept financial secrets on how it splits revenue with other websites that show its online ads. This is a great news for Adsense content publisher  because in the past some say(guest) the sharing is from 25%- 50%.

Tiger Being Abused For Money | A Famosa Resort

It is sad, heart-wrenching and disturbing to see a poor Tiger to be ‘abused’ in order to take photos with the visitors. I am sure the Tiger was sedated and should NOT be subject of such abuse! We all must be a responsible and caring animal taker. Owning a pet do not give you the […]

H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Side Effects

I have taken the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine last week at one of the 104 government health facilities. Read more on How to Get Free Influenza A(H1N1) Vaccine Jabs So far I do not have any side effect. Therefore it depend on your individual body. Some might get it.