Archive for November, 2009

I Wanna Be Rich | Seriously I Wanna Be Rich

This is truly a great song!!… I wanna be Rich!! YES…I WANNA BE RICH!!! SERIOUSLY,  I WANNA BE RICH!!! I also wanna be rich but full of love, peace and happiness as the lyric of the song goes! I love this song so  much and even listening to this music right now while I am […]

Merchants Have No Right to Impose Fees on Credit Cards Usage

Do you know that Merchants Have No Right to Impose Fees on Credit Cards Usage? I am Not aware that the Merchants CANNOT Impose Fees on users of credit cards as it is a common practice when shopping at Low Yat Plaza! Low Yat Plaza is commercial shopping centre specializing in Electronics, Hand Phones and […]

Millionaire Mind Intensive | T Harv Eker | Life Changing Event Is Back

Do You Wanna be rich? It doesn’t matter what career, stages or business you are in right now. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, T. Harv Eker personally is going to show you how to overcome your financial thermostat that were built in you since your childhood. You can be more successful than you think!